The quality of social dialogue has a positive impact not only on the quality of worklife but also on the competitiveness of the company
There is no collective agreement ruling over GEPSA’s operations and the jobs derived from its Facility Management activities. That means all the rules applicable within the company derive from the provisions of the labour code or from agreements negotiated with social partners on the company level.
GEPSA’s management therefore makes sure there is a high level of social dialogue within the company: the aim is to foster balanced negotiation and co-construction of the agreements that form the basis of the company’s operations.
Social partners, members of the representative bodies and the General Management each adopt quality-guaranteeing behaviours :
responsibility, availability, kindness, mutual respect, trust, participation.
Subjects important to the company and to employees are approached on the grounds of transparency and sincerity.
GEPSA has engaged in negotiations on more than twenty topics : working time, remuneration, job and skills forecast management (GPEC), employee savings, night work, CET, health expenses, welfare, etc.
In 2014, GEPSA sealed an agreement on trade union rights, seeking to define the operating methods of trade union organizations along with methods to regroup the company’s three representative bodies at national level : DP (staff delegation), EC (workers’ committee) and CHSCT (committee for hygiene, safety and working conditions).
Indeed, since GEPSA runs operations throughout the country, it’s necessary to establish a uniform manner of treating situations and work conditions across all sites. The reform of the labour code (September 2017 orders) modifies the legal framework of the social dialogue with the creation of a single body: the social and economic council (CSE).
Such a change in the law, implemented by these orders, demonstrates what GEPSA has known and acted on for a long time : the importance of social dialogue.